I used to be a very negative dark person who is skeptical of the world and the people around me. I hide myself in a cell, refusing help from all directions. Drowning in my misery.
When i read dark literature nowadays, i get flashbacks of my past. One of my friends says that my poetry has lost its “touch”… i can’t seem to find a reason to write dark poetry when i am so happy with Jeri worshipping me like a goddess.
You see, i have been reading self help books. There are just some things in school that we don’t learn about the real world. The secret to success is relatively simple. It has to do with the mind. We attract what we ask for. Why do people stay poor all their lives is because they say negative stuff like “i am uneducated, unskilled and i can’t find a job” and it becomes their reality. WHEN they could change it around by just saying “Qualifications doesn’t matter, i have what it takes to succeed” and BOOM the universe will give them what they ask for.
Before Jeri came into my life, i asked for someone who will truly loves me for who i am. I asked the universe for someone to protect me and guide me from all harm. When Jeri came, the universe was responding to my request. If i had not believe that someone like Jeri would come along, i would probably still be a depressed+not eating+sleeping well and not doing artsy stuff like writing a script and photoshoots (can you see the difference it makes!?)
It might sound like bullshit but that is how the world works. Pick up any self help books and they will say the same. Because we doubt what we could receive for asking, we might not receive it. By casting all doubts and negativity aside, we will get what we ask for.
I have been staying away from negative people ever since i found this out. I can’t stand them. It irks me to be around them. Especially people who manipulate others to attain their means. I believe in a win-win situation when it comes to business. Both sides should benefit, it balances out the equilibrium. By taking advantage of people, it destablizes and karma will make up for it.
Then again, majority of the people around us are pretty negative. They doubt and doubt and question and question our calibers and use it for comparison for some make believe competition in their head.
The only way is to not let them get into your head! Tell them to fuck off and look at themselves before criticising others. I don’t exactly say that out loud, but they are trying to put some negative influence to cripple the people around them so they will always stay “below” their level. Remember that before letting other’s bring you down in future.
AVERRAL writes under pen name Scarlet Risqué. She stars in Scarlet Queen YouTube with over a million views. She holds a degree in business. The RED HOURGLASS is ranked Top 50 Espionage Thriller on Amazon. She is currently writing the sequels to the Hourglass Series. Grab a free copy of her novel now RED HOURGLASS on Amazon |